Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 30~ Triad Finish

Welcome to the beginning.
As with all things in life it is a cycle, system or process. When you reach the end, it really is the beginning of something. We have reached the last day of  the triad challenge, that daily lifetime process of honoring mind, body and spirit. My hope is that something that we have done in the last 30 days you have enjoyed enough to continue for the next 30 days or weeks.
I was asked if this challenge has been harder than I had expected. I must admit that I did not have many expectations when I started, many of the writings amaze me. I think that we often miss the message because we are busy looking for a mistake or how could I have done it better. The next few weeks will be filled with meaning, expectations, traditions, joy, and peace on earth. I ask you to set a side the need to fulfill every expectation. Find a way to help your neighbor. Look for opportunities for make supportive memories.
I leave you with my best enjoyed practices.
Mind: Play a new puzzle or practice a new language
Body: Take 10 deep breaths and walk during your TV show.
Spirit: Look at your thinking and understanding of someone's situation. Make an effort to understand it better. See where you can help.
I hope to continue creating wonderful readings, but am having surgery on Dec 11th. Prayers and healing thoughts are welcome.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 29~Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
Service to others changes us.
Last week I was enjoying a cup of tea when my phone rang, it was my friend who moved to Ohio in September, "Do you know where the bus barn on Franklin is?...Yes...Good go there now, Tiffany's dad died. ...Oh Crap...on my way."
Her dad had just died of a heart attack. She was at work and needed a friend, driver and prayer warrior.
As the day unfolded with hugs, tears, prayers and travel plans it became apparent that I would be cat sitting. I can say that given a choice, I will choose a dog over a cat any day. However this cat sitting has given me and TJ a chance to help someone else. He had a not so good experience with a cat and had vowed to never like cats. Smokey has changed him. He thinks that maybe a cat someday would be okay. That daily scooping the litter box might be better than the weekly poo picking of the yard.
This doing for others... It changes us...we see the world in a different light. After being in her home everyday for a week I can say that I have a better understanding of her and her journey. For that I hope to be a better supporter of her journey.
What can you do to see a friend or situation in a different light that will make you a better supporter?
Think about that as you take a walk or eat more green vegetables.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 28 ~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
Mind: take time today to be quiet. With all the excitement of the day we can overwhelm our minds and emotions.
Body: go for a walk before and after that big meal.
Spirit:  Love the one your with. Simply stated you can wish for and long for those that are gone or you have yet to meet but that reduces what you do for those next to you now.
Today, the here and now is a gift, it is a present. Do what you can to enjoy the future, learn from the past but love the one your with.
I am grateful for you.
Happy Thanksgiving!  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 27~Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
Today is Wednesday. Yes that is right Hump day, middle of the week. The day that marks the changing of the tide for the work flow.
With our amazing fast spread of information a commercial, phrase or picture can go from a few people seeing and giggling to a whole nation declaring "Enough with the camel".
This Wednesday is extra is the day before Thanksgiving. There are no stories written about thanksgiving eve, something like... 

The kitchen was all a flurry with the baking of pie, stirring of sauce, and slicing of yams. The parlor gleamed for not a spec of dust to be found, the table glowed from the shiny silver, bright china and sparking crystal. The family is all tucked in bed exhausted, hungry and nervous, for tomorrow is Thanksgiving and "Company" is coming to dinner. Company may be friends or family may be those you see daily or just once a year. But this is a special meal, the one that we all recall for years to come. Come to the table with your glass and gratitude, leave your burdens and complaints at the door. You are loved and cherished today and everyday.      
In the story of Thanksgiving eve we have no special elf that arrives to wake us with a clatter, magically not create a mess from coming down the chimney and leave behind a gift that some will say replaces the gift of a savior. For Thanksgiving we just have each other and the anticipation of good food and the making of memories. Make memories that support. Memories that bring a feeling of love, belonging, valued and acceptance.
I am grateful you are reading this. 
A friend presented the question...If today you have only what you gave thanks for what would you have?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 26~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
I am grateful that you are reading this. Every day we have an opportunity to be a blessing to someone. We can do this in many ways. What way would you like for someone to bless you? Do that for your neighbor.

There are many saying, proverbs, and motivational statements. With the internet it is easier to find words to make you feel something. I saw this statement and photo when looking for information to help my son with his fundraising project. It was posted on Facebook, this is my alma mater.  The more I think of it the more I like what it means. 
How are you showing your noble soul today? 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 25~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
I am grateful to the generosity of others. The ability to give from the hear is what makes this a better place to live. Some have however missed the meaning and the reason we have Thanksgiving. It is not to have to much to eat and drink and open family wounds. It is to come together as a community and enjoy the fact that we have food to eat and a table to gather. There are people in your community that may not have a family or a table. There are organizations there to help those with out. The Idaho food bank is one of many in our community that try to bridge the gap. The have many events though out the year to help end hunger in Idaho. My most loved event is Empty Bowls. It happens on the Friday after Thanksgiving. You go to the Boise Center on the Grove. Pay for a hand made ceramic bowl and get a bowl of soup. Please think about joining us.  I am grateful you are reading this. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 24~Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
It is Sunday, a day traditionally destined to be one of rest and community.  If you have ever had the pleasure of cooking for a large group of people you know that it is any thing short of restful. I was visiting with a friend from the Netherlands, talking culture and food. Here in America EVERYTHING is about food. Every occasion, every event is about food. Please note that hospitality is important in every culture, it is just how we go about it that is my fascination. Here we have a snack of cookies, cake, popcorn, candy. In the Netherlands a snack is an apple or a a handful of raisins. I like the thinking of the Dutch.
I am grateful that I live in a world of abundance. My focus today as I travel to community gatherings will be the people. I am so blessed by the light of the beings that I call friends. 
As you go about your day walking, stretching and eating green and purple vegetables enjoy the people.  

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 23~Triad Challenge

Welcome to gratitude.
I am grateful that you are reading this.
We have spent the last three weeks exploring new and different ways of looking at and doing all in an effort to be a a place of gratitude and peace.
I am grateful for the extra steps I have taken in my walk for the far end of the parking lot. What "body" item did you find most challenging?
I am grateful for the new word puzzle game I have on my phone. What "mind" exercise did you find enjoyable?
I am grateful for being able to know Tim Pegram. He died November 22, 2013. His sprit of determination and loyalty will live on in his family and friends.
Life is fleeting and fragile. Make amends and repairs where needed. Vow to harm no more.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something brave.
Mind: Take 3 deep breaths and clear the clutter. Go outside. Breath the crisp November air.
Body: walk around the block today at lunch time. Drink more water and green tea than any other.
Spirit: Take time to think of how others have shaped your life. Give thought to how your actions have impact on others. If it not good then change.
As the weather changes and challenges us to stay warm and dry do for others that may not be as fortunate.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 20~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something brave.
Take a skills assessment see if your to-do list matches your passions.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something brave,
Mind: how are puzzles and word search? still entertaining? a bit stale and predictable? try something new. As a kid liked the Highlights Magazine hidden picture page. You can now play them on your phone and computer.
Body: As you prepare for next weeks feast of thankfulness look for simple ways to add more vegetables to your daily intake. In crease your water intake by one more glass today.
Spirit: take 10 deep breaths and think of the connection you have to the person next to you.  It is the connections that make us who we are.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 18~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something brave.
I am so excited to share with you and activity that can cover all three at once. Yoga. Yes I am aware that, as with all things, we can take something, a though or a practice to a place that is unhealthy. I am not asking you to sell everything and sit on a mountain top. What I want us to do is use this tool as any other to help us move to a healthier more balanced place. You can find a place that teaches yoga; YMCA, and gyms. Look for online; like Youtube, Google +, or Yoga in Daily Life.
It is scary to try something new, be brave, give it whirl. Like bike riding the first time will be uncomfortable and awkward. Challenge yourself to stick it out this week and next. The breathing can happen any time, although closing your eyes should not happen when driving. Please make sure you move with in your comfort zone for your body condition. If you can't comfortably get on the floor then use a chair.  Use a chair for support and stability if needed. 
The point of today's challenge is to bravely and safely try something new, yoga, that will move your body, calm your mind and bolster your spirit.   
It is also Magical for the next order at the coffee shop, give a coworker a compliment, give up your spot in line for someone else. Just help someone enjoy a Magical Monday.  

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 17 ~ Triad challenge

Welcome to something brave.
To tell the truth is brave.
I did not think of this task today. I have not been consist or timely with medicine that impacts brain function. 
So here is my braveness for today.  There is no triad challenge today, spend some time with family.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 16~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something brave.
Mind: Conversation with; co-worker, children, spouse. Pause; think about what you like best about them. Yes I know sometimes that is a big challenge, be brave think positive about them.

Body: Stand tall and straight. Roll your shoulders and breathe deep. Exhale and reach for your toes. Stand up straight and tall find a new way to get your 10-15 or more minutes a day to exercise.  Be brave try something new, take a class, and look at an app for your phone that tracks your walk/bike ride or how much water you have consumed.

Spirit: What has helped you increase your sense of peace and wellbeing? How do you share your faith with others? How do you express your gratitude for all the goodness around you? Be brave find or express your spirituality. 

Take a moment to find some beauty or specialness of nature. This is ice on my car, love the patterns. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 15 ~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring.
Mind: Think back to when you were 7 years old, someone asked you, ‘what do you want to-do or be when you grow up?’ Are you living that answer? Yes…good help someone else live/find theirs.
 No… When did that dream change? Can you make it happen? What do you want to be doing in 7 years? What skill can you learn now that will help you get there. Remember to be real…if you are a 50 year old, mom of 11, a dream of being a Chippendales dancer is not very probable. I dare you to dream. 

Body: Walk the long way to the store to buy more vegetables. Cruciferous Vegetables; broccoli, cabbage, kale,  bok choy and tatsoi, all contain nutrients that help protect you from cancer cells. Pick some up for an adventure in the kitchen this weekend. I dare to prevent. 

Spirit: Time to reflect on the week of daring. What things have you done since Saturday that you liked? A few moments and think about the word daring….look it up on daring. They have a visual Thesaurus that is crazy fun.  Reflect on the last two weeks…get ready for the next two weeks. I dare you to think. 

This week has been about challenging ourselves to move beyond where we are. To add a new activity, look at situations differently, find simple ways to experience life. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring,
Mind: Go to bed 15 minutes early tonight. Sleep and hydration are important factors for brain health.
Body: Go to bed 15 minutes early tonight. Sleep is important for rest of hormones and recovery of the days activities. A dark room is more conducive to better sleep. Turn the digital bedside clock display away from the bed.
Spirit: Go to bed 15 minutes early, if you have a partner make the best of it. :) If you have the whole place to yourself then stretch out, relax and rest well.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring.
Mind: Puzzles, new hobby, new language, anything that you do to challenge your brain it will benefit your gray matter. Keep it up.
Body: Stand with your eyes closed for a few moments. Take a deep breath, unless your hiding in the stinky bathroom at work. This is best done outside in the fresh air, in a park or your yard, with nature and beauty all around you. Hold your breath for a moment then let it out, do this a few times.
Spirit: What feelings, situations or problems have you been holding on to that you really don't serve a good purpose? Let them go with the air from your lungs. If this involves the actions of another then ask them about what you understand. You may be surprised by what you learn. Makes me think of the statement of don't be critical of another until you have walked a mile in their shoes.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 12~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring.
Mind: take 3 or more deep breaths take that to-do list find the one that takes 5 minutes and do it. Then challenge your self on a word puzzle.
Body: Apple, bananas, grapes. There must be a reason that kids sing about them....maybe because they are super yummy and good for you. Eat some today.
Spirit: take time to see the beauty that is in front of you. Received some bad information and had to wait an hour. So I could be upset or enjoy the late season roses.  Start where you are, enjoy the beauty before you now.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 11~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring
Mind: Enjoying puzzles, learning a new skill, challenging thought processes are good for the brain. Get dressed in a different order. except make sure the underpants are still under the pants. 
Body: Trade one soda for a water and eat 3 servings of green vegetables today. USDA states that a vegetable serving is 1/2 cup.  
Spirit: Today is Veterans Day. The day set aside to say a special thank you to the men and women who choose to protect your right to choose. This became very real and personal when visiting Arlington National Cemetery. A truly humbling and moving experience. A place every person should visit. Please take time today and everyday to express your gratitude. There are a lot of ways to express gratitude with helping support our currently serving, those who have served and honoring those who gave everything for your right to choose. Contact you local Veterans Admin Office see how you can help. 
I am including a picture of my favorite Veteran. This is my Dad. Thomas Stewart Edwards He served in the Navy, he keeps his service stories under wraps unless his grandson TJ asks questions. Hoping for lots of questions tonight around the fire pit. A beloved activity of Stew and TJ.

Day 10~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring.
Mind: Did you find a new language to learn? Look for a new skill or hobby to learn. Keep up with the Sudoku or word search. Jigsaw puzzle with the kids is a great after dinner family activity.
Body: Keep up the walking an extra 10 min a day. Challenge yourself to move to the next level. Whatever your level is, start there.
Spirit: Sing out loud. Whether it is in the shower, in the car, check out stand, anywhere sing a song, out loud and sing with all of your being. I really like to seeing Deck the Halls in July or November. Makes every one think of peace on earth and goodwill to all.    

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 9 ~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something daring:
Mind: Are you by lingual? nope me either but there are great fee apps and amazing software to help you learn.
Body: this day add more water, drink less soda or coffee. Find an app on your smart phone that will help you track your ounces.
Spirit: Be of service to others. Make a donation to the food bank, help serve a meal at a shelter, find a family that is struggling and put a bag of grocery on the door step. Neighbors yard full of leaves, go rake it up. If you are not able to physical activities then write Christmas card for our service people.
This week we will look for ways to stretch us and move out side the comfort zone. This is about new experiences.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 8~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something meaningful.
Body: eat more whole foods. make both or all of your snacks a whole food. Eat an apple instead of chips, eat carrots instead of pretzels. add some  Greek yogurt or hummus to up your protein content.
Spirit: Why wait for a birthday to send happy wishes. Everyday, start today, to send a "I hope your day is amazing" greeting. Put a smile on two faces yours and theirs.
Mind: It is Friday the day eagerly sought after every Monday as a break in the routine of work... Enjoy that routine and honor the ability to work. losing a part of who you are (your work) is devastation. Losing the ability to be employed and complete simple daily tasks leads to many changes and challenges. When that happens to someone you know be compassionate, not judgmental. Ask how can I help...not why can't you.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something meaningful:
Mind: take three deep breaths. play a Sudoku puzzle or word search.
Body: Park farthest form the door, take the stairs (if you can), walk in place while watching TV. All the additional steps add up.
Spirit: Enjoy the people near you...Find a reason to laugh with your family everyday.

Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes. It was a great day and very reflective of the last year.   Grateful to be 47 and working to healthier than 46 .

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something Meaningful.
Mind: There is an old  adage. "I have a very clean mind..I change it often." What have you been thinking about another that needs to change? Where they they dress...what they buy. ...what is someone thinking about your decisions? 
Body: Weather in Idaho is getting tricky and icky. Walk more inside. Walk in place in front of the TV, walk during the commercials to start, then the next show walk between the commercials. Just find 10-20 min a day for some extra steps.
Spirit: Take a deep breath and set your resolve. Look at your to do list...does it line up with your goals...what are your goals...find your why...put it where you can see it...knowing your why helps when you have to struggle and fight.
Today is extra special for me...I am done being 46...It was a tough year: lost the ability to work, there is a lot that went in to that discovery...not much of it was good. I am redefining my goals. I did get to make some amazing memories with a trip to Washington DC and around the neighborhood. I am very excited about 47. I have some we all grades...cancer...brain damage growing up to fast... homelessness. I do know that it will be an amazing year filled with amazing people and wonderful memories, struggles to make me stronger. I will do my Daily Lifetime Process to Honor Mind Body and Spirit.  Blessings

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5 ~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something meaningful.
Mind: Play your music very quiet today...listen carefully to the words. Concentrate on hearing the words. did you hear something different?
Body: Replace one soda today with water. Walk the long way around.
Spirit: Be forgiving and compassionate. You do not know the struggles others have. When we make mistakes and ask for forgiveness then give it. Let it go and move on.
Recall what you were taught in kindergarten, be nice, say you are sorry, share and everyone deserves to be loved.
Keeping this one super short: had two challenging appointments, one with an orthopedic for my knee, made it hurt crazy bad, the other was the Adult Committee Meeting for scouts lots of voices, lots of conversations all at the same time...Very hard on the much to process. Some of the biggest struggles are can not be seen. Be Kind.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 4~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something meaningful: Keep it simple

 Mind: put the dishes away in a different order. If you have a dishwasher and you always do the top rack first then do the bottom rack first today. Sometimes we get into a routine it can become a rut.

Body: read the ingredient label on your snack. When it is a whole fruit or vegetable there is only one ingredient. An apple is one ingredient, but over 12000 nutrients that are meaningful to your cells.

Spirit: It is Monday. Be gentle with each other. Tell the person next to you ‘thank you for being here.’ If you can, make it a “Meaningful Magical Monday” for someone. Pay for the coffee for the car behind you, pay for the lunch of the table in the corner or pay someone’s fines at the library. Most important to a “Magical Monday” is making someone else smile; the best way to do that is to smile.  

If you are participating in filling a food box for your local food bank for thanksgiving think of making it an allergy free box. Poverty like cancer is not selective. People with food allergies struggle with economic hardship and often the assistance is not set up to accommodate, make it a point to help. You could do a gluten free box, egg free box, or a tree nut free box. You can include an extra grocery store gift card to be used in later months when there is not a holiday food box. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 3 ~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something meaningful: it is Sunday, the day a lot of people connect with religious community and participate in celebrations of faith and family.
Mind: try the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in the paper or pick up a puzzle book at the store when as you buy more vegetables than you did the week before. 
Body: park in the last spot on the row...the farthest from the door.  Drink 2 more glasses of water than you did yesterday.
Spirit: Family is special. We may not always like what they do, how they live the gift of this life. But they were given to you love and honor. As you see these people today think of what your world be without them. For some that may be a joyful thoughts...for most it would be sad...but for all of us our world would be different. The people we call family have a very large impact on us. Without them we would be different, and so would do your family members help you be do you help them be them. For our children how do we help them learn who they are?
Enjoy your family they are yours, given through love and intention.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2- Triad Challenge

Welcome to day 2 of something meaningful.
Mind: Find that one thing on your to do list that you are looking forward to do doing. Do it next...enjoy the release of creating a check mark on your list.
Body: double the portion of green vegetables today. If your typical portion is 1 spoonful then make it 2. if it is zero then move it to 2.
Spirit: as you begin something...anything...the laundry, the car, dinner, think of how it came to be in front of you. Acknowledge the process and purpose.