Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 8~ Triad Challenge

Welcome to something meaningful.
Body: eat more whole foods. make both or all of your snacks a whole food. Eat an apple instead of chips, eat carrots instead of pretzels. add some  Greek yogurt or hummus to up your protein content.
Spirit: Why wait for a birthday to send happy wishes. Everyday, start today, to send a "I hope your day is amazing" greeting. Put a smile on two faces yours and theirs.
Mind: It is Friday the day eagerly sought after every Monday as a break in the routine of work... Enjoy that routine and honor the ability to work. losing a part of who you are (your work) is devastation. Losing the ability to be employed and complete simple daily tasks leads to many changes and challenges. When that happens to someone you know be compassionate, not judgmental. Ask how can I help...not why can't you.

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