Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6~Triad Challenge

Welcome to something Meaningful.
Mind: There is an old  adage. "I have a very clean mind..I change it often." What have you been thinking about another that needs to change? Where they they dress...what they buy. ...what is someone thinking about your decisions? 
Body: Weather in Idaho is getting tricky and icky. Walk more inside. Walk in place in front of the TV, walk during the commercials to start, then the next show walk between the commercials. Just find 10-20 min a day for some extra steps.
Spirit: Take a deep breath and set your resolve. Look at your to do list...does it line up with your goals...what are your goals...find your why...put it where you can see it...knowing your why helps when you have to struggle and fight.
Today is extra special for me...I am done being 46...It was a tough year: lost the ability to work, there is a lot that went in to that discovery...not much of it was good. I am redefining my goals. I did get to make some amazing memories with a trip to Washington DC and around the neighborhood. I am very excited about 47. I have some we all grades...cancer...brain damage growing up to fast... homelessness. I do know that it will be an amazing year filled with amazing people and wonderful memories, struggles to make me stronger. I will do my Daily Lifetime Process to Honor Mind Body and Spirit.  Blessings

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